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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Title: MAO III

March 2012: Religion

Title: March 2012: Religion

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: March 2012

Marcha al Mar

Marcha al Mar

Title: Marcha al Mar

Photographer/s: Dominic Bracco II

Contributor/s: The Prime Collective

Date of publication: August 2015

Mark West & Molly Rose

Title: Mark West & Molly Rose

Photographer/s: Jeff Barnett-Winsby

Date of publication: 2010

Markets of the World

Title: Markets of the World

Photographer/s: Dean Bradley

Contributor/s: Vicki Bradley co writer
Mary Beth Maclean graphic design

Date of publication: May 28 2011


Mary © Tammy Mercure

Title: Mary

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: 2014

Master and Everyone

Title: Master and Everyone

Photographer/s: André Príncipe

Date of publication: 2010

Material World

Material World © David Welch

Title: Material World

Photographer/s: David Welch

Contributor/s: Marisa Bellani, Jennifer Angus

Date of publication: March, 2013



Photographer/s: Jessica Eaton, Matthew Gamber, Bill Sullivan

Contributor/s: Peter Hall, Mary Voorhees Meehan

Date of publication: 2011


Title: Mauerreste

Photographer/s: Squale

Date of publication: April 2010