Title: Mediations Three: My Country
Photographer/s: Ahmed Hayman
Contributor/s: Empty Stretch
Date of publication: November 5th, 2011
Title: Mediations Three: My Country
Photographer/s: Ahmed Hayman
Contributor/s: Empty Stretch
Date of publication: November 5th, 2011
Title: Mediations Two: Have You Ever?
Photographer/s: Theo Erbenius
Contributor/s: Empty Stretch
Date of publication: November 5th, 2011
Title: Meet Me in the Square: Christchurch 1983-1987
Photographer/s: David Cook
Date of publication: 2014
Title: Memento: Muriel Hasbun Photographs
Photographer/s: Muriel Hasbun
Contributor/s: Paul Roth (essay)
Date of publication: 2004
Title: Memories From the Kitchen
Photographer/s: LeAnn Bennett
Date of publication: July 1, 2009
Title: Memories in RED
Photographer/s: Yelena Zhavoronkova, photographer
Contributor/s: Yelena Lark, writer / editor
Yelena Zhavoronkova, design
Date of publication: April 2012
Title: Memories, Miroir noir
Photographer/s: Yann Orhan
Date of publication: June 2010
Title: Memory Full #3: Nice To See You
Photographer/s: Jonathan Campolo, Phil Elverum, Chris Fowler, Nate Grossman, Carl Gunhouse, Noah Kalina, Michael McCraw, Steven Reynolds, Jody Rogac, Tess Scheflan, David Shannon-Lier, Ginevra Shay, Annie Sollinger, Jocko Weyland
Date of publication: December 2013
Title: Memory Traces
Photographer/s: Cary Markerink
Date of publication: december 2009