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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Title: Meridian

Photographer/s: Colin Stearns

Date of publication: October 2015

Métier, Small Businesses in London

Métier, Small Businesses in London © Laura Braun

Title: Métier, Small Businesses in London

Photographer/s: Laura Braun

Contributor/s: Essay by Dawn Lyon

Date of publication: 03.12.2013


Title: metropolis

Photographer/s: Rob Macdonald

Date of publication: 18/9/2010


Me Us Them

Title: Me|Us|Them

Photographer/s: Jane Waggoner Deschner

Contributor/s: anonymous snapshooters

Date of publication: 2015

Midas Eyes

Title: Midas Eyes

Photographer/s: Chelsea Cossu photographs (images)

Contributor/s: Kristen Crouse poetry (text)

Date of publication: April 2012


Title: MidNights

Photographer/s: Alexandra Silverthorne

Contributor/s: Rebecca Duclos
Jayme McLellan

Date of publication: 2011

Midwest Dirt

Midwest Dirt © Nathan Pearce

Title: Midwest Dirt

Photographer/s: Nathan Pearce

Date of publication: May 2014

Mientras Conduzco

Mientras Conduzco © Helena Rovira

Title: Mientras Conduzco

Photographer/s: Helena Rovira

Contributor/s: Lindero Libros

Date of publication: september 2014

Miet Me

Title: Miet Me

Photographer/s: Schröder, E.

Date of publication: March 2009

Military Hospital

Title: Military Hospital

Photographer/s: Claudia Heinermann
Introduction Albert Van Der Weide

Date of publication: June, 2009