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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Mill River

Title: Mill River

Photographer/s: Joseph Gerhard

Date of publication: September 2011

Milwaukee, CA

Title: Milwaukee, CA

Photographer/s: The collective “Milwaukee,” consists of photographers Tara Bogart, Jon Horvath, Kevin J. Miyazaki and Sonja Thomsen.

Date of publication: March 2012



Title: mimesis

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: July 2013

Mira Mexico

Mira Mexico © Louie Palu

Title: Mira Mexico

Photographer/s: Louie Palu

Contributor/s: Louie Palu

Date of publication: December 2012

Miracle Pennies

Title: Miracle Pennies

Photographer/s: Nate Larson

Date of publication: 2006

Missing Buildings

Missing Buildings

Title: Missing Buildings

Photographer/s: Thom Atkinson, Beth Atkinson

Contributor/s: David Chandler

Date of publication: October 2015



Title: Moisés

Photographer/s: Mariela Sancari

Date of publication: 2014



Title: Moisés

Photographer/s: Mariela Sancari

Contributor/s: HYDRA and Fundación Televisa

Date of publication: June 2015

Moldova / Last Resort

Title: Moldova / Last Resort

Photographer/s: Mark Nozeman

Date of publication: 2009


Title: Moment

Photographer/s: Magida El-Kassis

Date of publication: March 2011