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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Momento: Capturing moments and memories

Title: Momento: Capturing moments and memories

Photographer/s: Bill Westheimer

Date of publication: 2009

Money Talks

Money Talks © Chris Bowes

Title: Money Talks

Photographer/s: Chris Bowes

Contributor/s: Gordon Craig

Date of publication: 2014


Title: Monitor

Photographer/s: Dave Hebb

Date of publication: 2011


mono no aware © Anton Kusters


Photographer/s: Anton Kusters

Date of publication: july 2014


Title: Monochrome

Photographer/s: Mémé Bartels

Date of publication: December 2012

Monochromia Botanica

Title: Monochromia Botanica

Photographer/s: Benny Asrul

Date of publication: 6 August 2010


monotony © Robert Herrmann

Title: monotony

Photographer/s: Robert Herrmann

Date of publication: March 2012

Montreal-Paris / CINQ

Montreal-Paris / CINQ © Pascal Amoyel & Thomas Bouquin

Title: Montreal-Paris / CINQ

Montreal-Paris / Quatre

Title: Montreal-Paris / Quatre

Photographer/s: Pascal Amoyel
Thomas Bouquin

Date of publication: November 2012


moon soot © Alex Cunningham

Title: moonsoot

Photographer/s: Alex Cunningham

Contributor/s: Allison Usavage

Date of publication: March 2012