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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Moving out of State- Reasonable

Title: Moving out of State- Reasonable

Photographer/s: Scott Hubener

Contributor/s: Nora Hartlaub (Interviewer)

Date of publication: 2010

Muddy Treads

Title: Muddy Treads

Photographer/s: Peter Sutherland

Date of publication: 08/11/2008


Title: Murmures

Photographer/s: Viola KOROSI

Date of publication: 2011



Title: Muse

Photographer/s: Gail Goers

Date of publication: December / 2014


Title: Museutopia

Photographer/s: Ilya Rabinovich

Contributor/s: Viktor Misiano, Huub van Baar, Stefan Rusu , Bogdan Ghiu

Date of publication: February 2012

Music Life Style

Title: Music Life Style

Photographer/s: Mark Humphrey

Date of publication: 2008

Mutatis mutandis

Title: Mutatis Mutandis

Photographer/s: Jan von Holleben

Contributor/s: Sergei Sviatchenko

Date of publication: 2009


My Beamline


Photographer/s: Kevin Fuchs

Contributor/s: Kevin Fuchs

Date of publication: 17th October 2014

My Brother’s War

Title: My Brother’s War

Photographer/s: Jessica Hines

Date of publication: 2010

My Feet Stand On Level Ground

My Feet Stand on Level Ground © Eric M Baral

Title: My Feet Stand On Level Ground

Photographer/s: Eric Martin Baral

Date of publication: 12/05/13