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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

My Fellow Americans

Title: My Fellow Americans

Photographer/s: Dennis Yermoshin

Date of publication: 07/17/2010

My Friends

Title: My Friends

Photographer/s: María Raquel Cochez

Contributor/s: Text by Raúl Altamar Arias

Date of publication: April 2012

My Golden Girl of Summertime & Old Carolina

Title: My Golden Girl of Summertime & Old Carolina

Photographer/s: Aaron Canipe

Contributor/s: Passages from “The Last Gentleman” by Walker Percy

Date of publication: 2011

My Grandmother’s Polaroids

Title: My Grandmother’s Polaroids

Photographer/s: Dorothy and Raymond Bradley

Contributor/s: Binding and letterpress-printed endsheets by Rory Sparks

Date of publication: February 27, 2011

my home is where you are

Title: my home is where you are / a minha casa e onde estas

Photographer/s: Filipe Casaca

Date of publication: June, 2011

My Own Wilderness

Title: My Own Wilderness

Photographer/s: Agan Harahap, Alena Agadzhikova, Alena Lobanova,Andi Schreiber, Anne Holiday, Aubrey Hays, Babak Makoei, Bernard Mindich, Callum Ross, Chris Bentley, Chris Norris, Daniel George, Dead Porcupine, Denis Tarasov, Dmitry Popov, Eamon Mac Mahon, Ekaterina Deriglazova, Ekaterina Kozlova, Ellen Jantzen, Gwyn Michael, Herve Demers, Honey Salvadori, Ilya Octyabr, Irina Artemova, Irina Popova, Irina Suvorova, Irina Volgareva, Jamie House, Jon Goering, Katerina Bodrunova, Ksenia Yurkova, Laura Glabman, Liese Ricketts, M. Scott Brauer, Mark William Fernandes, Martin Buday, Patricia van de Camp, Rachel Barrett, Rachel Wolfe, Rita Nannini, Robert Rutoed, Valeriya Reshetnicova, Willson Cummer

Date of publication: 2012

MY VALENTINES 21 Years of Portraits from the Family Album

Title: MY VALENTINES 21 Years of Portraits from the Family Album

Photographer/s: Lucy Hilmer

Contributor/s: Bob Elfstrom: 1 B&W Proof p.59 & 8 Color Snapshot p.103-108

Annie Elfstrom: 1 B&W Proof p.67 & 1 Color Snapshot p.108. Also designed the Flower Films Press LOGO

Sara Chestnutt-Fry: Digital Darkroom Assistant

Peter Madliger: Hemlock Printers —VP Prepress

Date of publication: August 2010

Myrtle ave Brooklyn

Title: Myrtle ave Brooklyn

Photographer/s: Rachel Loischild

Date of publication: summer 2011

Mystery Spot 2: Nature’s Nation

Title: Mystery Spot 2: Nature’s Nation

Contributor/s: Chad Rutter, Lex Thompson, Paula McCartney, Kate Casanova, Pamela Valfer, Caleb Coppock, Emily Roehl

Date of publication: 2012

Mystic Blood

Title: Mystic Blood

Photographer/s: Alex Klaes

Contributor/s: Alexandra Elledge, Poetry

Date of publication: 2013