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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

myth of the flat earth

Title: myth of the flat earth

Photographer/s: francesca tallone

Date of publication: december 2011



Photographer/s: Michael Itkoff

Date of publication: March 2011

Naître, Mourir, Renaître Encore…

Masami Takenouchi

Title: Naître, Mourir, Renaître Encore…

Photographer/s: Masami Takenouchi

Date of publication: November 2011


Title: Naked

Photographer/s: Rimaldas Viksraitis

Date of publication: December 2012

Naked Ambition

Title: Naked Ambition

Photographer/s: Michael Grecco

Contributor/s: Forewords by Larry Flynt and Dave Navarro

Edited by Lonn Friend and Rob Hill

Date of publication: 2007

NANGOKUSHO -ode to the southern lands of Japan-

Nangokusho © Atsushi Fujiwara / Sokyusha

Title: NANGOKUSHO -ode to the southern lands of Japan-

Photographer/s: Atsushi Fujiwara

Contributor/s: Atsushi Fujiwara

Date of publication: 18th March 2013

NASCAR: January 2012

Title: NASCAR: January 2012

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: January 2012

Natoma Home

Title: Natoma Home

Photographer/s: Amparo Jelsma

Date of publication: 2004

Natural History

Title: Natural History

Photographer/s: Nikki Johnson

Contributor/s: Foreward by Dianne Bowen
“David” Introduction by Lee Bailey

Date of publication: November 2010

Natural History

Natural History © Philip J Brittan

Title: Natural History

Photographer/s: Philip J Brittan

Date of publication: June 2013