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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Title: Nerves

Photographer/s: Laëtitia Donval

Date of publication: august 2010

Neuperlach Zentrum

Title: Neuperlach Zentrum

Photographer/s: Thomas Wieland

Date of publication: January 2011

New Breed

Title: New Breed

Photographer/s: Ofer Wolberger

Date of publication: 2010

New Colour Guide

Title: New Colour Guide

Photographer/s: John MacLean

Contributor/s: Design by Wayne Daly

Date of publication: 1.10.12

New Technology

Title: New Technology

Photographer/s: Jonathan Brooks

Contributor/s: Starring Glowstoes and sometimes Mojo & Weezy, if they decide to show up.

Date of publication: August 2011

New World Parkville

Title: New World Parkville

Photographer/s: Margarida Correia

Contributor/s: João Pinharanda (writer), Maria Glória de Sá (writer)

Date of publication: 2011

New York

Title: New York

Photographer/s: Lena Guimont

Date of publication: 2008

New York City

Title: New York City

Photographer/s: Squale

Date of publication: October 2010

New York City 1984-1987

Title: New York City 1984-1987

Photographer/s: Janet Delaney

Date of publication: 2012

New York Minute

Title: New York Minute

Photographer/s: Peter van de Wijngaart

Date of publication: November 2009