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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Of Falling and Floating

Title: Of Falling and Floating

Photographer/s: Elijah Gowin

Contributor/s: Introduction by Lyle Rexer

Date of publication: 2011


Title: Office

Photographer/s: Pat Padua

Date of publication: 2006


Title: offSET

Photographer/s: Lacey Terrell

Date of publication: 2009


Oh, So Big © Paula Gillen

Title: OH, SO BIG

Photographer/s: Paula Gillen

Contributor/s: Collages by Paula Gillen. His & Hers 74 Annual – A Parliament Publication, Players Magazine- October 1978, Duke, Playboy, Hustler, W, and Time magazines.

Date of publication: January 2011



Title: Ojalá

Photographer/s: Philip Zimmermann (and anonymous Mexican police photographers).

Contributor/s: León de la Rosa

Date of publication: 2012

Oma Emde

Title: Oma Emde

Photographer/s: Philip Emde

Date of publication: December 2011

on accident, on purpose

Title: on accident, on purpose

Photographer/s: francesca tallone

Date of publication: june 2011

On Approach

Title: On Approach

Photographer/s: Daniel Milnor

Date of publication: December 12, 2008

On Borrowed Time

Title: On Borrowed Time

Photographer/s: Henrik Malmström

Contributor/s: Jörn Donner

Date of publication: 29/03/2010

On the Edge of Somewhere

Title: On the Edge of Somewhere

Photographer/s: Steve Giovinco

Date of publication: 2010