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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Party 12/09/2000

Title: Party 12/09/2000

Photographer/s: Lena Gieseke (Guimont)

Date of publication: 2000

Pasefika – The Festival of Pacific Arts

Title: Pasefika – The Festival of Pacific Arts

Photographer/s: Floyd K. Takeuchi

Date of publication: June 7, 2011

Passenger Seat

Title: Passenger Seat

Photographer/s: Per Englund

Contributor/s: Designer: Anders Jandér

Date of publication: August, 2012

Passengers 1

Passengers © Mitchell Hartman

Title: Passengers 1

Photographer/s: mitchell hartman

Contributor/s: mitchell hartman

Date of publication: 5/2014

Passport to Trespass Vol. VI: I can’t remember where I’ve been

Title: Passport to Trespass Vol. VI: I can’t remember where I’ve been

Photographer/s: Mikael Kennedy

Date of publication: November 2010

Pattern Language

Title: Pattern Language

Photographer/s: Nick Meyer

Contributor/s: Melissa Febos

Date of publication: 2010


Title: Patterns

Photographer/s: Iciar Bravo

Date of publication: Fall 2011

Pause, to Begin Catalogue

Title: Pause, to Begin Catalogue

Photographer/s: Matthew Gamber, Tealia Ellis-Ritter, John Mann, Colin Blakely, Shawn Records, Thomas Prior, Hin Chua, Sonja Thomsen, Brea Souders, Timothy Briner, Alejandro Cartagena, Erika Larsen, Matthew Eich, Shannon Johnstone, Shawn Gust

Contributor/s: Ethan Jones, David Wright, Susan Morelock, Joyce Tenneson, John Paul Caponigro, Cig Harvey

Date of publication: January 2010

Pay Here flipbook – pole dancing

Title: Pay Here flipbook – pole dancing

Photographer/s: Gözde Türkkan

Contributor/s: Mustafa Ercan Zırh

Date of publication: 2011

Pay Here flipbook – self-portrait

Title: Pay Here flipbook – self-portrait

Photographer/s: Gözde Türkkan

Contributor/s: Mustafa Ercan Zırh

Date of publication: 2010