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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Poe Mack Tour Diary: June 3 – July 15, 2011

Title: Poe Mack Tour Diary: June 3 – July 15, 2011

Photographer/s: Jared Soares

Date of publication: October 2011

Point/Counterpoint: B&W Photos by Irene Poon

Title: Point/Counterpoint: B&W Photos by Irene Poon

Photographer/s: Irene Poon

Contributor/s: Whitney Chadwick, Dennis Reed,
Mark Johnson, Charles Wong

Date of publication: Nov. 2011

Poker Face 2

Title: Poker Face 2

Photographer/s: Ulvis Alberts

Contributor/s: Al Alvarez (Introduction)

Date of publication: 2006

Poland. In search of diamonds

Title: Poland. In search of diamonds

Photographer/s: Tomasz Wiech

Contributor/s: Michał Olszewski – texts

Date of publication: VII/2012

Pop Photographica: Image Objects by Daile Kaplan

Pop Photographica: Image Objexts by Daile Kaplan

Title: Pop Photographica: Image Objects by Daile Kaplan

Photographer/s: Production Photographs: Peter Philbin

Contributor/s: Daile Kaplan, Michelle Hauser

Date of publication: July 2014


Porcelain © Peter Oey

Title: Porcelain

Photographer/s: Peter Oey

Date of publication: 2014


Title: Portfolio

Photographer/s: WassinkLundgren

Contributor/s: Martin Parr

Date of publication: May 2010

Portraits by Waiters

Portraits by Waiters © Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson / Multinational Enterprises

Title: Portraits by Waiters

Photographer/s: Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson

Contributor/s: Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson, text by Sara Rundgren Yazdani

Date of publication: July 2013

Portraits of The Public

Title: Portraits of The Public

Photographer/s: Nathan Eldridge

Date of publication: 12/12/2011

Pose, Ugandan Images

Title: Pose, Ugandan Images

Photographer/s: Andrea Stultiens

Date of publication: July 2009 for this print on demand edition (October 2010 as trade edition)