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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Title: Position(s)

Photographer/s: Antoine d’Agata

Date of publication: April 2012

Post Script

Post Script

Title: Post Script

Photographer/s: Rachel Boillot

Date of publication: March 2014

Power Places

Power Places © Joseph Wilcox

Title: Power Places

Photographer/s: Joseph Wilcox

Date of publication: 2013

Powerful Morning Energy – Volume 1

Powerful Morning Energy Vol. 1 © Kensington Leverne

Title: Powerful Morning Energy – Volume 1

Photographer/s: Kensington Leverne

Date of publication: May 2013

Prague: a notebook

Title: Prague: a notebook

Photographer/s: Graeme Vaughan

Date of publication: June 2011

Precious Objects

Title: Precious Objects

Photographer/s: Charles Mintz

Date of publication: November 2012

Preston Bus Station

Title: Preston Bus Station

Photographer/s: Adam Murray
Robert Parkinson
Jamie Hawkesworth

Contributor/s: Aidan Turner-Bishop

Date of publication: October 2010


Title: Prêt-à-Porter

Photographer/s: John Edmonds

Date of publication: February 2012

Pretty boys looking at me

Pretty boys looking at me © Jess T. Dugan

Title: Pretty boys looking at me

Photographer/s: Jess T. Dugan

Date of publication: 2013

pretty girls wander

Title: pretty girls wander

Photographer/s: raymond meeks

Contributor/s: adam meeks
chris pichler
anne kohrs
abbey meeks

Date of publication: october 2011