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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

PUBLICATION ‘Inspiration’ Issue #1

Title: PUBLICATION ‘Inspiration’ Issue #1

Photographer/s: Booklet:

Martin Munkacsi, David Gibson, Roger Mayne, Garry Winogrand, Tod Papageorge, Joel Meyerowitz, Melanie Einzig, Gus Powell

22 unbound prints:

Christophe Agou, Kay Von Aspern, Narelle Autio, Anahita Avalos, Matthew Baum, Richard Bram, Hin Chua, Maciej Dakowicz, Siegfried Hansen, Nils Jorgensen, Martin Kollar, Rogier Maaskant, Luca De Marchi, Jesse Marlow, Stephen McLaren, Nick Morrison, Trent Parke, Jack Simon, David Solomons

Contributor/s: Issue #1 features articles by David Gibson, Michael David Murphy, Nick Turpin and Hin Chua.

Date of publication: November 2009

Pure Photography

Title: Pure Photography

Photographer/s: from the Robert E. Jackson Collection

Date of publication: December, 2011

PUUR. Trotse tienermoeders

Title: PUUR. Trotse tienermoeders

Photographer/s: MeRy (Melanie Rijkers, pronounce Rikers)

Contributor/s: Miranda Baas (text)

Date of publication: April 1, 2009


Title: Qaammaqqivaar

Photographer/s: Verena Bruening

Roseggerstrasse 36
12059 Berlin

Date of publication: 05.07.2010

qualquer, tudo

qualquer, tudo © Eudes de Santana

Title: qualquer, tudo

Photographer/s: Eudes de Santana

Date of publication: 2013

Queen Ann. P.S. Belly cut off

Title: Queen Ann. P.S. Belly cut off

Photographer/s: Mariken Wessels

Date of publication: May 2010

Questions, mark the spot.

Title: Questions, mark the spot.

Photographer/s: Alex Hogan

Date of publication: December 2011

Quiet Places

Title: Quiet Places

Photographer/s: Jeff Burk

Date of publication: July 29, 2010

Rag Theater – The 2400 Block of Telegraph Avenue, 1969-1973

Title: Rag Theater – The 2400 Block of Telegraph Avenue, 1969-1973

Photographer/s: Nacio Jan Brown

Contributor/s: Foreword by Thomas Farber

Date of publication: 1975

Railing At The Enthrallment To The Failing Of The Light

Title: Railing At The Enthrallment To The Failing Of The Light

Photographer/s: Hannah Laycock

Contributor/s: Michael Laycock

Date of publication: 2010