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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Photographer/s: Sylvia de Swaan

Contributor/s: Terry Cuddy, design collaborator
Philip Brookman, text

Date of publication: 1999

RGB Transferences

Title: RGB Transferences

Photographer/s: Pierre Le Hors

Date of publication: 2010

Rhapsody for my Wretched Little Universe

Title: Rhapsody for my Wretched Little Universe

Photographer/s: Han Chao

Contributor/s: texts by Kotaro Iizawa, Tsai Meng

Date of publication: 5 Nov 2010


Rheum © (Michiel Burger, Max PInckers, Sam Weerdmeester, Jeroen Lambertyn, Bence Bakker) / De Bedoeling

Title: Rheum

Photographer/s: (Michiel Burger, Max Pinckers, Sam Weerdmeester, Jeroen Lambertyn, Bence Bakker)

Contributor/s: Taco Hidde Bakker, Daniel Barroca, Alban Bras, Michiel Burger, Brad Feuerhelm, Kevin Kelly, Jeroen Lambertyn, Sjoerd van Leeuwen, Michel de Meyer, Max Pinckers, Lucas Soi, Brad Tinmouth, Robert Urquhart, Jessie Veenstra, Sam Weerdmeester, Philippe Wolthuis

Date of publication: May 2013

Richard Bram: Street Photography

Title: Richard Bram: Street Photography

Photographer/s: Richard Bram

Contributor/s: foreward by Friedrich W. Kasten

Date of publication: 2006


Title: RIEN

Photographer/s: Romain Champalaune, Caroline Lollo, Tristan Happel, Guillaume Thiriet

Date of publication: January 2012


Riko © Marco van Duyvendijk

Title: Riko

Photographer/s: Marco van Duyvendijk

Date of publication: January 2014



Photographer/s: ADAM GEARY

Contributor/s: ADAM GEARY

Date of publication: MARCH 2013

River’s Bisectors

River's Bisectors © Eugenijus 'giena' Barzdzius

Title: River’s Bisectors

Photographer/s: Eugenijus ‘giena’ Barzdzius

Contributor/s: bicycle, wonderful mood and inspiration ;}

Date of publication: 2012

Riverside Story

Title: Riverside Story

Photographer/s: GION

Date of publication: 2008