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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Self Publish, Be Naughty

Title: Self Publish, Be Naughty

Photographer/s: Joseph Akel, Morten Andersen, Brendan Baker, Corey Bartle-Sanderson, Ilya Batrakov, Lucas Blalock, Anna Bogutskaya, Parker Bright, Jake Brooks, Victor Cobo, Martina Corà, Christopher Day, Michael J. DeMeo, Bobby Doherty, Laëtitia Donval, Daniel Evans, Dora Fobert, Hannah Godley, Dana Goldstein, Roberto Greco, Tomas Hein, Åsa Johannesson, Ellen Jong, Ellen Jong and Kate Ruth, Jake Kenny, Paul Knight, Paul Kooiker, Paul Kwiatkowski, Alexander Kurmaz, Collin LaFleche, Mathieu Lambert, Bertrand Le Pluard, Nicole Lesser, Carrie Levy, Thomas Mailaender, Tommy Malekoff, Jennilee Marigomen, Aaron McElroy, Michael Max McLeod, Leah Meltzer, Matthew Mili, Ania Mokrzycka, Kristie Muller, Francesco Nazardo, Luke Norman and Nik Adam, Florian Oellers, Sean Orena, Witek Orski, Oliver Poddar and Andrew Ferguson, Angga Pratama, Karol Radziszewski, Pedro Ramos, Tobias Rose, Davi Russo, Corinna Sauer, Kirill Savchenkov, David Schoerner, Alexander Sedelnikov, Ben Seeley, Oliver Sieber, Pacifico Silano, Marija Strajnic, RJ Shaughnessy, Matthew Tammaro, Aram Tanis, Agnes Thor, Scott Treleaven, Sophie van der Perre, Erik van der Weijde, Marnix van Uum, Peter Voelker, Alex Wein, Harley Weir, Emily Yost, Irina Yulieva.

Date of publication: September 2011


Title: self-portrait

Photographer/s: Filipe Bianchi

Date of publication: 2005


Title: Semi-Detached

Photographer/s: Marco Scozzaro

Date of publication: May 2011

Seneca Ghosts

Title: Seneca Ghosts

Photographer/s: Danielle Mericle

Date of publication: April 2008

Senseless Violence Occurs In A Dark Room

Title: Senseless Violence Occurs In A Dark Room

Photographer/s: Chad Muthard

Date of publication: 2011

Sensible Heat

Sensible Heat © Juergen Schmidt

Title: Sensible Heat

Photographer/s: Juergen Schmidt

Date of publication: 2013

September 2012: Dukes of Hazzard

Title: September 2012: Dukes of Hazzard

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: September 2012

Seven Verses of Emptiness

Title: Seven Verses of Emptiness

Photographer/s: Mirjana Vrbaski

Date of publication: June 2010

Sexual Joy Through Self-Hypnosis

Title: Sexual Joy Through Self-Hypnosis

Photographer/s: Kristine Jakobsen

Date of publication: 05.02.2011

Shaped after a tale

Title: Shaped after a tale

Photographer/s: Clara Prioux

Date of publication: 2011