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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Spook Light Chronicles vol. 2 – the phosphorescent man

Spook Light Chronicles vol. 2 - the phosphorescent man © Lara Shipley & Antone Dolezal

Title: Spook Light Chronicles vol. 2 – the phosphorescent man

Photographer/s: Lara Shipley & Antone Dolezal

Date of publication: June, 2014

Spook Light Chronicles vol. 3 – we always lie to strangers

Spook Light Chronicles vol. 3 - we always lie to strangers © Lara Shipley & Antone Dolezal

Title:Spook Light Chronicles vol. 3 – we always lie to strangers

Photographer/s: Lara Shipley & Antone Dolezal

Date of publication: 2014

Spring Visits: Photographs From Viet Nam

Title: Spring Visits: Photographs From Viet Nam

Photographer/s: Don Unrau

Date of publication: 2009

Spuren / Traces

Title: Spuren / Traces

Photographer/s: Claudia Heinermann

Date of publication: June, 2009


Title: Srebrenica

Photographer/s: Alessandro Ciccarelli, Danilo Palmisano

Contributor/s: Enrico Calamai, Azra Nuhefendić

Date of publication: 2009


Title: Stad

Photographer/s: Stephen Grebinski

Date of publication: April 2011


Title: Stadtrundfahrt

Photographer/s: Thijs groot Wassink

Contributor/s: Ruben Lundgren

Date of publication: June 2005

Stapled Photo Grids

Title: Stapled Photo Grids

Photographer/s: David Underwood

Date of publication: December 2010

Star Quality

Title: Star Quality

Photographer/s: Ofer Wolberger

Date of publication: 2010



Photographer/s: KATHRIN GUNTER

Contributor/s: KATHRIN GUNTER

Date of publication: OCTOBER 2012