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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Photographer/s: Pauline Magnenat

Contributor/s: Jason Lazarus (foreword)

Date of publication: 03 April 2012

Summer Of Shred

Title: Summer Of Shred

Photographer/s: Jamie M. Moore

Contributor/s: “Posi” Joe Piehler

Date of publication: October 2012

Summer Weather

Title: Summer Weather

Photographer/s: Michael Jang

Date of publication: May 2012




Photographer/s: Chris McCaw

Contributor/s: Essays by Katherine Ware and Allie Haeusslein

Date of publication: July 2012

Sunday Mornings at the River #1

Title: Sunday Mornings at the River #1

Photographer/s: Santa Katkuté, Rebecca Rijsdijk, Sanne Poppeliers, Cody Cobb, Noortje Knulst, Lonneke van der Palen, Sam van Grinsven, Taufiq Hosen, Victoria Schilperoort, Nicholas Hance McElroy, Roberto Rubalcava, Jeff Luker, Stine Sampers, Katherine Squier, David Meskhi.

Date of publication: November 2012

Sunnydell Farm

Title: Sunnydell Farm

Photographer/s: Karen Bucher

Date of publication: 2004

Sunsets & Other Colour Photographs

Title: Sunsets & Other Colour Photographs

Photographer/s: Ann Woo

Date of publication: June 2011

Sunshine Pulse

Title: Sunshine Pulse

Photographer/s: Aki Tanaka

Date of publication: 3/10/2010

Superficial Snapshots. Zine 4. Can You Hear Me Now?

Title: Superficial Snapshots. Zine 4. Can you hear me Now?

Photographer/s: Allison V. Smith

Contributor/s: cover art by Will Bryant

Date of publication: 2009


Supermoon © Adam Forrester

Title: Supermoon

Photographer/s: Adam Forrester

Date of publication: 2013