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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

The King of Photography

Title: The King of Photography

Photographer/s: Tiane Doan na Champassak

Date of publication: June 2011

The Land Beneath: High Falls/Rochester/NY

Title: The Land Beneath: High Falls/Rochester/NY

Photographer/s: Connie Ehindero

Date of publication: 2009

The Language of History: A Greenwich Village Artist Remembers 9/11

The Language of History: A Greenwich Village Artist Remembers 9/11 © luke kurtis

Title: The Language of History: A Greenwich Village Artist Remembers 9/11

Photographer/s: luke kurtis

Contributor/s: Christopher Stout (introduction)

Date of publication: 2014

The last day of Autumn


Title: The last day of Autumn

Photographer/s: Brandon Fonville

Date of publication: 2011

The Last Days of W

Title: The Last Days of W

Photographer/s: Alec Soth

Contributor/s: Lester B. Morrison

Date of publication: November, 2008

The Last Road North

Title: The Last Road North

Photographer/s: Ben Huff

Date of publication: July 2010

The Life of Psy

The Life of Psy © Maciej Pestka / Read That Image

Title: The Life of Psy

Photographer/s: Maciej Pestka

Date of publication: February 2014

The Light Of A Fading Sun

The Light of a Fading Sun

Title: The Light Of A Fading Sun

Photographer/s: Andrew Fedynak

Date of publication: August 11, 2014

The Lightness of Being

Title: The Lightness of Being

Photographer/s: Alinka Echeverria

Date of publication: 2008

The Liminal Points Project


Title: The Liminal Points Project

Photographer/s: Nick Rochowski

Contributor/s: Illustrator Greg Haynes
Music Producer Deepsea

Date of publication: November 3rd 2011