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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

The Lookbook Series Volume I: Growth

Title: The Lookbook Series Volume I: Growth

Photographer/s: Lauren Henkin

Date of publication: 2011

The Lost Symmetry

Title: The Lost Symmetry

Photographer/s: Thibaut Petillon and Art Haegenbarth

Date of publication: 2008

The Mad Butcher

the mad butcher

Title: The Mad Butcher

Photographer/s: Dale Rothenberg

Date of publication: December 2014

The Man of the Crowd

Title: The Man of the Crowd

Photographer/s: Elisabeth Tonnard

Date of publication: November 2012

The McCann Family

Title: The McCann Family

Photographer/s: Karen Davis

Date of publication: 2008

The Melon Series

The Melon Series

Title: The Melon Series

Photographer/s: Kathleen Volp

Contributor/s: Paula Tognarelli

Date of publication: July 2013

The Miners from Beringen

The Miners from Beringen

Title: The Miners from Beringen

Photographer/s: Reinout van den Bergh

Contributor/s: Felix Bisschoff (image processing), Marc Gijzen (lithography), Filip Delarbre, Johanna Rediers, Leen Roels, Guido van Eyck, Patrick Witters, Wiesje Peels (texts), Dagmar Larsen (translation)

Date of publication: 2014

The Mona Lisa Project

Title: The Mona Lisa Project

Photographer/s: Val Patterson

Contributor/s: Sophie Kipner

Giorgia Luisa Horrell (Designer)

Date of publication: October 2011

The Monarchs of Michoacan

Title: The Monarchs of Michoacan

Photographer/s: Carol Hayman

Date of publication: 2011

The Monroe Portfolio

Title: The Monroe Portfolio

Photographer/s: Tim Anderson
Allison Clarke
Dan Rios
Matt Rose
Liora Valero
James Warner
Sara J Winston

Contributor/s: Terri Weifenbach

Date of publication: Spring 2011