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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

The Nature of Art

Title: The Nature of Art

Photographer/s: Jerry Katell

Date of publication: February, 2011

the negative space

Title: the negative space

Photographer/s: Paul Rider

Contributor/s: The people of Philadelphia who love to tear down their old buildings and leave a lovely mess for me to make wonderful photographs of.

Date of publication: May 20, 2011

The New Town, Vol. 2

The New Town, Vol. 2 © Andrew Hammerand / Houseboat Press

Title: The New Town, Vol. 2

Photographer/s: Andrew Hammerand

Date of publication: September 2013

The New Yorkers

The New Yorkers © Robert Herman

Title: The New Yorkers

Photographer/s: Robert Herman

Contributor/s: Sean Corcocan, Stella Kramer

Date of publication: March 15, 2013

The Ninety-Nine Percent

Title: The Ninety-Nine Percent

Photographer/s: Mathieu Asselin

Contributor/s: Michael Saur
Olga Yatskevich

Date of publication: 20 October 2011

The Old World

Title: The Old World

Photographer/s: John Pitsakis

Date of publication: 11 November 2011

The Oracle@WiFi

The Oracle@WiFi © Beth Lilly

Title: The Oracle@WiFi

Photographer/s: Beth Lilly

Contributor/s: Katherine Ware

Date of publication: August 2012

The Other Farm

The Other Farm

Title: The Other Farm

Photographer/s: Ellen Kok

Date of publication: July 2015

The Photograph Commands Indifference

Title: The Photograph Commands Indifference

Photographer/s: Nicholas Muellner

Contributor/s: Gerry Beegan

Date of publication: January 2009

The Pier

Title: The Pier

Photographer/s: Nils Petter Löfstedt

Date of publication: December, 2010