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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

The Universal Mundane

The Universal Mundane © Lee Chang Ming

Title: The Universal Mundane

Photographer/s: Lee Chang Ming

Date of publication: November 2014

The Us and The They: Prejudice and Empathy in America’s Smallest County

Title: The Us and The They: Prejudice and Empathy in America’s Smallest County

Photographer/s: Kay Chernush

Date of publication: 2010

The Waiting Room – Photographs from Belarus

Title: The Waiting Room – Photographs from Belarus

Photographer/s: Bill Crandall

Contributor/s: Introduction by Victor Martinovich
Q&A with Valery Kavaleuski

Date of publication: January 2012

The Way Things Are

Title: The Way Things Are

Photographer/s: Anthony Blasko

Date of publication: July 2009

The Way Things Are, Vol 1

Title: The Way Things Are, Vol 1

Photographer/s: Anthony Blasko

Date of publication: 12/01/2010

The Well Ain’t Dry

Title: The Well Ain’t Dry

Photographer/s: Cody Chandler

Date of publication: March 2010

The West Behind Us

The West Behind Us © Bobby Abrahamson and Lisa Wells

Title: The West Behind Us

Photographer/s: Bobby Abrahamson

Contributor/s: extensive essays and interviews by Lisa Wells

Date of publication: 2014



Photographer/s: Jasen Strickler
Ken Richardson
Andrew M.K. Warren

Contributor/s: Leslie K. Brown

Date of publication: 2005

The Woods

Title: The Woods

Photographer/s: Emily Shur

Date of publication: 2010

The Wrong Roadtrip

Title: The Wrong Roadtrip

Photographer/s: Andrea Stern

Date of publication: September 2012