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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


This is Who I Am. © Tomoko Sawada


Photographer/s: Tomoko Sawada

Date of publication: December 1, 2011

Thomas Albdorf

Title: Thomas Albdorf

Photographer/s: Thomas Albdorf

Date of publication: 01/02/2011

Thought I Saw A Full Moon But It Was Just A Burger King Sign

Thought I Saw A Full Moon But It Was Just A Burger King Sign © Jonathan Pivovar

Title: Thought I Saw A Full Moon But It Was Just A Burger King Sign

Photographer/s: Jonathan Pivovar

Date of publication: 2012



Photographer/s: Sacha Maric

Contributor/s: Jess Andersen (Design)

Date of publication: May 2010

Three Hours Between Planes

Three Hours Between Planes

Title: Three Hours Between Planes

Photographer/s: Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson, Stefan Fischer, Jill Frank, Stephanie Kiwitt, Chelsea Tonelli Knight, Dominique Koch, Lilly McElroy, Elise Rasmussen, Andreas Schulze, Jan Sledz, Scott Patrick Wiener

Contributor/s: Three Hours Between Planes is curated by Eiko Grimberg and Marco Poloni. Curatorial team: Viktoria Binschtok, Nahla Küsel, Julia Maier, Thilo Scheffler and Carrie Schneider. Texts by James Elkins, Marco Poloni, Eiko Grimberg, Nahla Küsel and Thilo Scheffler. Translations by Oliver Kossack

Date of publication: 19.04.2008


Title: Threshold

Photographer/s: Tate Shaw

Date of publication: 2011

Thrills & Chills

Title: Thrills & Chills

Photographer/s: Isa Leshko

Contributor/s: Included in the catalog are excerpts of two interviews with Leshko conducted by Jane Tam of the Nymphoto Collective and Jennifer Henriksen.

Date of publication: 2010

Through the Plain Camera: Small and Shapely Pleasures in Contemporary Photography

Title: Through the Plain Camera: Small and Shapely Pleasures in Contemporary Photography

Photographer/s: Jessica Backhaus, Elizabeth Fleming, Vita Litvak, Christian Patterson, and Shen Wei

Date of publication: 2011

Through Windows

Through Windows

Title: Through Windows


Title: Thuis

Photographer/s: Andrea Stultiens

Date of publication: June 2001