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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Title: Traverse!

Photographer/s: David Schulz

Date of publication: August, 2010

Tread Through Gray

Title: Tread Through Gray

Photographer/s: Tuomas Korpijaakko

Date of publication: 2010


Title: TRIP

Photographer/s: Laura Braun

Date of publication: 07.2011

TROIS, Paris-Montréal

Title: TROIS, Paris-Montréal

Photographer/s: Pascal Amoyel
Thomas Bouquin

Date of publication: April 2012



Title: Troy

Photographer/s: uncredited

Contributor/s: Peter Mann, Concept and editing

Date of publication: July 2015

Try to be more positive.

Title: Try to be more positive.

Photographer/s: Matt Austin

Date of publication: 2010

Trying to Find the Ocean

Trying to Find the Ocean © Michael Ast

Title: Trying to Find the Ocean

Photographer/s: Michael Ast

Contributor/s: Mark Alice Durant (afterword essay)

Date of publication: May, 2014


Title: Turns

Photographer/s: Davi Russo

Date of publication: September 15th 2011

Twelve Nashville Waffle Houses

Twelve Nashville Waffle Houses © Tammy Mercure / TCB Press

Title: Twelve Nashville Waffle Houses

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Contributor/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: July 2013


Twenty-One © Gail Rebhan

Title: Twenty-One

Photographer/s: Gail Rebhan

Date of publication: 2008