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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Twenty-Somethings © Solomon Reuben Rabinowitz and Michael James Jordan Johnson

Title: Twenty-Somethings

Photographer/s: Michael James Jordan Johnson (Michael Ash)
Solomon Reuben Rabinowitz

Contributor/s: Katie Regan

Date of publication: July 2012


Title: TWENTY/12

Photographer/s: Aaron Canipe
Caroline Carpenter
John Edmonds
Michael Evnen
Nathaniel Grann
Mark Harley
Veronica Melendez
Jordan Swartz
Justine Tobiasz
Liora Valero
Tucker Walsh
Sara Winston

Contributor/s: Opening Text by Casey Smith

Date of publication: April 15, 2012

Two and Two

Title: Two and Two

Photographer/s: John MacLean

Date of publication: 2010

Two Beautiful Daughters: Anger and Courage

Two Beautiful Daughters

Title: Two Beautiful Daughters: Anger and Courage

Photographer/s: Shelly Au

Contributor/s: Shelly Au, Ragan Morales, Amy Au, Brian Boecker, Crystal Boecker, Dave Meserve

Date of publication: 02/2015

Two Months’ Salary

Title: Two Months’ Salary

Photographer/s: Lee Gainer

Date of publication: Oct. 2009

Two of Us. Encounters

Title: Two of Us. Encounters

Photographer/s: Elisabeth Tonnard

Contributor/s: The images are from the Joseph Selle collection.

Date of publication: 2007

Two Rivers

Two Rivers © Carolyn Drake (front cover)

Title: Two Rivers

Photographer/s: Carolyn Drake

Contributor/s: Elif Batuman

Date of publication: July 2013

Two Roofs | 2008 – Present

Title: Two Roofs | 2008 – Present

Photographer/s: Tony Luong

Date of publication: May 2012


Title: Typewriter

Photographer/s: Christophe Dillinger

Date of publication: April 2011

U.S.S.R – U.S.A

USSR - USA © Tim Cragg

Title: U.S.S.R – U.S.A

Photographer/s: TIM CRAGG

Date of publication: 2011