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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Title: Underground

Photographer/s: David Solomons

Contributor/s: Joni Karanka (Introduction)

Date of publication: September 2009

Undisclosed: Images of the Contemporary Circus Artist

Title: Undisclosed: Images of the Contemporary Circus Artist

Photographer/s: Bertil Nilsson

Contributor/s: Laura Noble, essay
Daniele Finzi Pasca, foreword

Date of publication: Sept 1st 2011

Unexpected Photo Essay on Cortázar, his readers and Paris

Unexpected Photo Essay on Cortázar, his readers and Paris

Title: Unexpected Photo Essay on Cortázar, his readers and Paris

Photographer/s: Hugo Passarello Luna

Date of publication: August 26th, 2014

Unique c-Prints

Title: Unique c-Prints

Photographer/s: John Steck Jr.

Date of publication: Summer of 2010

Universal City

Universal City © Mathieu Lambert

Title: Universal City

Photographer/s: Mathieu Lambert

Date of publication: October 2012

Unknown Land

Title: Unknown Land

Photographer/s: Louis Porter

Date of publication: 10th December 2010

Unmarked Sites

Title: Unmarked Sites

Photographer/s: Jessica Auer

Contributor/s: Tetsuomi Anzai

Date of publication: 2011


Unsolved Puzzles Remain


Photographer/s: Harvey Benge

Date of publication: 2015


Title: Untitled

Photographer/s: Todd Fisher

Date of publication: Jan 2011

untitled – Mitko Mitkov

Title: untitled

Photographer/s: photography : Mitko Mitkov
words: Franziska Opel

Date of publication: January, 2012