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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Ansel Adams | New Landscapes (Paperback Edition)

Ansel Adams | New Landscapes (Paperback Edition) © Luke Strosnider

Title: Ansel Adams | New Landscapes (Paperback Edition)

Photographer/s: Luke Strosnider

Date of publication: 2009



Photographer/s: Michela Heim

Date of publication: May 2012



Photographer/s: Kristof Guez

Date of publication: september 2012


Any Cola © Clara Prioux


Photographer/s: Clara Prioux

Date of publication: 2013

Any Fool Can Take A Picture With A Camera Like That

Title: Any Fool Can Take A Picture With A Camera Like That

Photographer/s: Chad Muthard

Date of publication: 2010

Any Lonely Person Write to Ponsonby

Any Lonely Person Write to Ponsonby

Title: Any Lonely Person Write to Ponsonby

Photographer/s: Harvey Benge

Date of publication: 2015

Anywhere But Here

Title: Anywhere But Here

Photographer/s: Alex McTigue

Date of publication: 2010

Approachi Significans

Approachi Significans © Luke Shaw

Title: Approachi Significans

Photographer/s: Luke Shaw

Date of publication: 12/2013

April 2012: Elvis

Title: April 2012: Elvis

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: April 2012

Archaeology in Reverse

Title: Archaeology in Reverse

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Contributor/s: Text: Iain Sinclair

Date of publication: 2007