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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Archive 2005 – 2010

Title: Archive 2005 – 2010

Photographer/s: Eric Bessel

Contributor/s: Essays by: Kenneth White & Laura Applebaum

Date of publication: Spring 2011

Are We There Yet?

Are we there yet? © Liza Macrae

Title: Are We There Yet?

Photographer/s: Liza Macrae

Contributor/s: Scott Spencer

Date of publication: 11/13/2012

Area of Ocean 2007- 2010

Title: Area of Ocean 2007- 2010

Photographer/s: Yoshikatsu Fujii

Date of publication: August. 20, 2011

Areas of Preservation

Areas of Preservation

Title: Areas of Preservation

Photographer/s: Mary Beck

Contributor/s: Jeff Rennicke /Foreword

Date of publication: November 2014

Argyle Lane

Title: Argyle Lane

Photographer/s: Andrew Fedynak

Date of publication: 2012


Title: Aria

Photographer: Chen Siran

Date of publication: July 10, 2011

Arid Harvests

Title: Arid Harvests

Photographer/s: David Ondrik

Contributor/s: Becky Holtzman, Susan McAllister

Date of publication: 2/2011

Aristotle was wrong

Title: Aristotle was wrong

Photographer/s: Simon de Reyer

Date of publication: july 2011

Art Fare

Art Fare © Andy Freeberg

Title: Art Fare

Photographer/s: Andy Freeberg

Contributor/s: W. M. Hunt

Date of publication: April, 2014

Art is godd

Title: Art is godd

Photographer/s: mark page

Date of publication: 2012