Atlas © Israel Ariño / Ediciones Anómalas

Title: ATLAS

Photographer/s: ISRAEL ARIÑO

Date of publication: november 2012

Atomic Mirrors: Exploration of an Imagined Universe

Atomic Mirrors

Title: Atomic Mirrors: Exploration of an Imagined Universe

Photographer/s: Jay Tyrrell

Contributor/s: Bob Cornelis

Date of publication: 2015

Atomic Overlook

Title: Atomic Overlook

Photographer/s: Clay Lipsky

Date of publication: 8/27/12

Attention Seekers

Title: Attention Seekers

Photographer/s: Miriam O’ Connor

Contributor/s: Produced in conjunction with Galleri Image Denmark & PogoBooks Berlin.

Date of publication: January, 2012


Title: attenuate

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: June 2011

Attraverso Romania

Attraverso Romania © Ferdinando Riccio

Title: Attraverso Romania

Photographer/s: Ferdinando Riccio

Contributor/s: text of Antonio Panico and introduction of Guido Giannini

Date of publication: January 2014

auf der suche nach / looking for / wonderland

auf der suche nach / looking for / wonderland © Andreas Oetker-Kast

Title: auf der suche nach / looking for / wonderland

Photographer/s: Andreas Oetker-Kast

Contributor/s: Richard Tooke

Date of publication: April 2013

August 2012: Coondogs

Title: August 2012: Coondogs

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: August 2012

Aura Video Station 5.1

Title: Aura Video Station 5.1

Photographer/s: Dan Schmahl

Date of publication: April 5, 2011

AuraCam Images (1-8) / The Manifestation of Aura

AuraCam Images (1-8) / The Manifestation of Aura © Sylvia Ballhause

Title: AuraCam Images (1-8) / The Manifestation of Aura

Photographer/s: Sylvia Ballhause

Date of publication: 2013