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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

beach angels

Title: beach angels

Photographer/s: diana duncan holmes

Date of publication: 2011


Beachdaze © Clay Lipsky

Title: Beachdaze

Photographer/s: Clay Lipsky

Date of publication: 6/1/2013

Bearing Witness (to AIDS)

Title: Bearing Witness (to AIDS)

Photographer/s: Thomas McGovern

Contributor/s: Nick Debs, Barbara Hunt

Date of publication: Sept 1999

beat beat beat

Title: beat beat beat

Photographer/s: Martina Maffini, Veronica Mengoli

Date of publication: October 2009

Beautiful Pig

Beautiful Pig © Ben Schonberger

Title: Beautiful Pig

Photographer/s: Ben Schonberger

Contributor/s: Ben Schonberger + Sergeant Marty Gaynor

Date of publication: May 10, 2013

Beautiful Pig

Beautiful Pig © Ben Schonberger

Title: Beautiful Pig

Photographer/s: Ben Schonberger

Contributor/s: Marty Gaynor

Date of publication: 09/01/2014

Beauty and Wisdom

Beauty and Wisdom © Robbie Kaye

Title: Beauty and Wisdom

Photographer/s: Robbie Kaye

Contributor/s: Destiny Allison, Aline Smithson, Rita Ross, Michiko Rolek, Karen Monroy, Beth Hoffman,Ruby Salter, Diana Clark,

Date of publication: 2013


Becoming © Karen Bucher

Title: Becoming

Photographer/s: Karen Bucher

Date of publication: 2012


Title: bedizen

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: December 2011

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Title: Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Photographer/s: Trent Parke

Date of publication: June, 2010