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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Title: birdlife

Photographer/s: Perdita Phillips

Contributor/s: Nandi Chinna, Michael Farrell, Graeme Miles, Nyanda Smith

Date of publication: 2011

Bist Du Glücklich?

Are You Happy?

Title: Bist Du Glücklich?

Photographer/s: Christian Reister

Contributor/s: Christian Reister

Date of publication: October 2014

Blå Skog/Blue Forest

Title: Blå Skog/Blue Forest

Photographer/s: Morten Andersen

Date of publication: 10.06.2009

Black & White/ Sweet & Sour

Title: Black & White/ Sweet & Sour

Photographer/s: Charles Wong

Contributor/s: Dennis Reed

Date of publication: 2009

Black and blue

Title: Black and blue

Photographer/s: Morten Andersen

Contributor/s: text by Dorota Sacha-Krol

Date of publication: 27.05. 2011

Black Guys on Race Bikes

Black Guys on Race Bikes © Michiel Burger / De Bedoeling

Title: Black Guys on Race Bikes

Photographer/s: Michiel Burger

Contributors: Michiel Burger

Date of publication: 10 augustus 2013

Black Scabbard Research Centre

Title: Black Scabbard Research Centre

Photographer/s: Pedro Ramos

Date of publication: May 2010

Black Spring

Black Spring © Jordan Sullivan

Title: Black Spring

Photographer/s: Jordan Sullivan

Date of publication: 2013

blaues heft

Title: blaues heft

Photographer/s: Mitko Mitkov

Date of publication: May, 2011

Blind Date

Title: Blind Date

Photographer/s: Alan Barnett

Contributor/s: Alicia Wirt-Fox

Date of publication: January 13, 2012