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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Title: Brooklyn

Photographer/s: Luke Swenson

Date of publication: June, 2011

Bubble Gum Girl

Title: Bubble Gum Girl

Photographer/s: Miguel Angel Muñoz Pellicer

Date of publication: 2009


Title: bugs

Photographer/s: diana duncan holmes

Date of publication: 2011

Building Character

Title: Building Character

Photographer/s: Vág, Anna-Mária | Anna-Maria Vag

Date of publication: February 2011



Title: Bungalows

Photographer/s: Jesse B. Moore

Date of publication: November 2014

Burkina Faso: Night and Day

Title: Burkina Faso: Night and Day

Photographer/s: David Pace

Contributor/s: Paula Tognarelli, curator statement; Kate Levy, interview with David Pace

Date of publication: 2013


Title: BURN 02

Photographer/s: Michelle Frankfurter
Christopher Anderson
Irina Werning
Bruce Gilden
Giovanni Cocco
Eva Leitolf
Paolo Pellegrin
Alisa Resnik
Danny Wilcox Frazier
Michael Loyd Young
Karen Mirzoyan
Stefanie Mueller

Contributor/s: David Alan Harvey Editor’s Note

Date of publication: september 2011


Title: BURN.01

Photographer/s: Victor Cobo, Emily Schiffer, Michael Christopher Brown, Jukka Onnela, Alejandro Chaskielberg, Dima Gavrysh, Simona Ghizzoni, Kyunghee Lee, Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb, Bob Black, Audrey Bardou, Vicky Slater, James Nachtwey, Dmitry Markov, James Whitlow Delano, Alexander Mendelevich, Jenn Ackerman, Panos Skoulidas, Erica McDonald, Davide Monteleone, Akaky, Marina Black, Laura El-Tantawy, Roger Ballen, Matt Eich, Marco Improta, Angelo Guarracino, Panos Skoulidas, Dimitri Stefanov, Medford Taylor, Andrea Gjestvang, Andrew Sullivan, James Chance, Michael Francis McElroy, Michal Daniel, Tatiana Grigorenko, Rafal Pruszynski, Carl Bower, Jacopo Quaranta, Tom Hyde, Giovanni Cocco, Julia Komissaroff, Alessandro Penso, Eric Espinosa, John Gladdy, Michal Jedrzejowski, Ara Oshagen, Adam Smith, David Bowen, Yulia Serdyukova, Jan Sochor, Glenn Campbell, Brent Foster, Federico Caponi, Ashe Kazanjian, Chris Bickford, Imants Krumins, Subhrajit Basu, Angela Bacon-Kidwell, Cristina Faramo, Miguel Ribeiro Fernandes, Raoul Touzon, Patricia Lay-Dorsey, Lassal, Bryan Harvey, Tom Chambers, Justin Partyka, Katharina Hesse, Michael Hassoun, Lance Rosenfield, My Hellsten, Carrie Roseman, Juliette Mills, Richard Pak, Bevis Fusha, David Gimenez, Emily Shevenock, Andy Jacobsohn, Margeaux Walter, Daria Endresen, Max Sher, Hillary Atiyeh, Mustafah Abdulaziz

Date of publication: sept 2010

Burning Chrome

Title: Burning Chrome

Photographer/s: Norihisa Hosaka

Date of publication: 2011 may


Burnish © Isabelle Evertse / Empty Stretch

Title: Burnish

Photographer/s: Isabelle Evertse

Date of publication: 2013