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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Title: Calce

Photographer/s: Danilo Palmisano

Date of publication: sept. 2012

California Cell

California Cell © Stephan Bera

Title: California Cell

Photographer/s: Stephan Bera

Date of publication: June 2011

California Vernacular

California Vernacular © Liz Kuball

Title: California Vernacular

Photographer/s: Liz Kuball

Date of publication: February 5, 2013


cpb header


Call for Writing Proposals open through July 20, 2014

Calvin Klein, the dyslexic collection

Calvin Klein, the dyslexic collection © Jan Dirk van der Burg

Title: Calvin Klein, the dyslexic collection

Photographer/s: Jan Dirk van der Burg

Date of publication: 27-01-2015

Camera As Passport (1966-2008)

Title: Camera As Passport (1966-2008)

Photographer/s: Ulvis Alberts

Contributor/s: Introduction: Eriks Vanags
Project Coordinator: Dagnija Vanaga
Graphic design: Guntars Sietins
Graphic designer: Janis Pavlovskis

(All above contributors from: Riga,Latvia)

Date of publication: 2009

Camera House

Title: Camera House

Photographer/s: Pablo Hare

Contributor/s: Ralph Bauer

Date of publication: April 2012

Camper Vans

Camper Vans © Thomas Whittle

Title: Camper Vans

Photographer/s: Thomas Whittle

Date of publication: April 2013

Can You Predict Spring?

Can You Predict Spring? © Fábio Miguel Roque

Title: Can You Predict Spring?

Photographer/s: Fábio Miguel Roque

Date of publication: December 2014

Capitalismo Barbarie

Capitalismo Barbarie © Carles Palacio / Bad Weather Press

Title: Capitalismo Barbarie

Photographer/s: Carles Palacio

Date of publication: September 2013