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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Forgottonia © Bruce Morton


Photographer/s: Bruce Morton

Contributor/s: Aline Smithson (forward)

Date of publication: May 2013



Photographer/s: Matt Austin and EJ Hill

Date of publication: November 10, 2012

Foto instantánea. Recuerdo de Brasilia (Snapshot: Souvenir of Brasilia)

Foto instantánea. Recuerdo de Brasilia (Snapshot: Souvenir of Brasilia) © Joaquim Paiva

Title: Foto instantánea. Recuerdo de Brasilia (Snapshot: Souvenir of Brasilia)

Photographer/s: Joaquim Paiva

Contributor/s: Centro de la Imagen/ Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Texts by Rubens Fernades, Evandro Salles and Angelica Madeira

Date of publication: 2013

FOTO.ZINE NR.4 -series

Title: FOTO.ZINE NR.4 -series

Photographer/s: Linus Bill
Takashi Homma
Erik Kessels
Paul Kooiker
Eric Tabuchi
Erik van der Weijde

Date of publication: june 1st 2011

Found Photos in Detroit

Title: Found Photos in Detroit

Photographer/s: Arianna Arcara
Luca Santese

Date of publication: February 2012

Found Piles and other Topographica

Title: Found Piles and other Topographica

Photographer/s: John Steck Jr.

Date of publication: 2011

Four years, three deaths, sweaty armpits and a fetus

Title: Four years, three deaths, sweaty armpits and a fetus

Photographer/s: Sarah Carlier

Date of publication: february 2011

Fragments, Volume One

Title: Fragments, Volume One

Photographer/s: John Steck Jr.

Date of publication: Spring of 2010

Fragments, Volume Two

Title: Fragments, Volume Two

Photographer/s: Jimmey Leblanc

Date of publication: Summer of 2010

Fragrance -petite-

Title: Fragrance -petite-

Photographer/s: Aya Takada

Date of publication: May 1, 2011