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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Photographer/s: Christian Conrad, Marina Jerkovic, Yannic Schon, Susann Probst, Lars Kiss, Daniel Harders

Date of publication: November 2012

Garage d’Art: The Playful World of Johnston’s Auto Paint & Body Works

Title: Garage d’Art: The Playful World of Johnston’s Auto Paint & Body Works

Photographer/s: Jeff Bagato

Date of publication: 2010

Garage Full

Garage Full © Travis Shaffer

Title: Garage Full

Photographer/s: Travis Shaffer

Date of publication: 2008

Gärtners Reise / Gärtners’ Voyage

© Sibylle Fendt

Title: Gärtners Reise / Gärtners’ Voyage

Photographer/s: Sibylle Fendt

Date of publication: March 2012

Gathering Calm: Photographs 1994-2004

Title: Gathering Calm: Photographs 1994-2004

Photographer/s: Bill Schwab

Contributor/s: Nancy Soijka

Date of publication: 2005 – 2011

Gazed Upon

Title: Gazed Upon

Photographer/s: Jen Davis
Stacey Tyrell
Cara Phillips

Contributor/s: Guest Curated by Amy Elkins
Essay by Sarah Palmer

Date of publication: April, 2012


Title: Geisha

Photographer/s: Satomi Kato

Date of publication: June 2009

general delivery

General Delivery © James Laser

Title: general delivery

Photographer/s: james laser

Date of publication: 5/1/13

General Public

Title: General Public

Photographer/s: Karl Addison

Date of publication: January 2011


Title: Geolocation

Photographer/s: Nate Larson
Marni Shindelman

Date of publication: 2011