Get Off My Lawn

Title: Get Off My Lawn

Photographer/s: Geoffrey Ellis
Noah Beil
Grant Ernhart
Alan W George
Liz Kuball
Sarah Lacy
Ian Lemmonds
Jennifer Loeber
Dalton Rooney
Andrew Martin Scott
Justin Visnesky

Date of publication: Spring 2010

Get Your Kicks

Get Your Kicks © Nate "Igor" Smith

Title: Get Your Kicks

Photographer/s: Nate “Igor” Smith

Date of publication: 10/11/13

Getting To Know My Husband’s Cock

Title: Getting To Know My Husband’s Cock

Photographer/s: Ellen Jong

Contributor/s: Foreword by Cindy Gallop

Date of publication: June 2010

Getting to Know My Neighbors

Getting to Know My Neighbors © Joseph Wilcox

Title: Getting to Know My Neighbors

Photographer/s: Joseph Wilcox

Date of publication: 2013


GHOST ESTATES © Valérie Anex


Photographer/s: Valérie Anex

Date of publication: April 2013



Title: Giapan

Photographer/s: Joshua Edwards

Date of publication: November 1, 2014

Girl Ascending

Title: Girl Ascending

Photographer/s: Melissa Ann Pinney

Contributor/s: Essayist: David Travis, founding curator of the Department of Photography at the Art Institute of Chicago from 1972 until his retirement in 2008. In 1987, the French government awarded him the Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. A collection of Mr. Travis’s essays and lectures, entitled At the Edge of Light; Thoughts on Photographers and Photography, on Talent and Genius, were published in 2003 by David R. Godine.

Afterword by Melissa Ann Pinney

Date of publication: 2011

Girls: Fact and Fiction

Title: Girls: Fact and Fiction

Photographer/s: Deborah Hamon

Date of publication: 2009

Gita Lenz

Title: Gita Lenz

Photographer/s: Gita Lenz

Contributor/s: Gordon Stettinius

Date of publication: September 2010

Give Me The Roses While I Live

Give Me The Roses While I Live © Stephen Grebinski

Title: Give Me The Roses While I Live

Photographer/s: Stephen Grebinski

Date of publication: 2014