Title: 8 underpants
Date of publication: 1 jauari 2011
Title: 893 Magazine – the Yakuza in Tokyo – Issue#1
Photographer/s: Anton Kusters
Contributor/s: Malik Kusters (producer)
Taka Taka (fixer)
Date of publication: May 2010
Title: 9/11 Flipbook
Photographer/s: Appropriated News Footage by Scott Blake
Contributor/s: Cover artwork by Eryk Salvaggio and essays from 59 contributors.
Date of publication: 2011
Title: A Conversation in Pictures
Photographer/s: Trevor Powers, Paige Mazurek
Date of publication: December 2013
Title: A day at the sea. Without me.
Photographer/s: UNKNOWN
Date of publication: May 2011
Title: A Falling Horizon
Photographer/s: Heidi de Gier
Date of publication: 15 april 2011
Title: A Field Guide to Snow and Ice
Photographer/s: Paula McCartney
Contributor/s: Mark Alice Durant
Date of publication: 2014