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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Habitar la oscuridad (To Inhabit Darkness)

Habitar la oscuridad (To Inhabit Darkness) © Marco Antonio Cruz

Title: Habitar la oscuridad (To Inhabit Darkness)

Photographer/s: Marco Antonio Cruz

Contributor/s: Centro de la Imagen, Conaculta

Date of publication: 2011


Habitat © Areca Roe

Title: Habitat

Photographer/s: Areca Roe

Date of publication: May 2011

Hackney Flowers

Title: Hackney Flowers

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Date of publication: 2007

Hackney Wick

Title: Hackney Wick

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Contributor/s: Laure Prouvost- Painter

Date of publication: 2005

Hair Pieces

Hair Pieces © Rebecca Drolen

Title: Hair Pieces

Photographer/s: Rebecca Drolen

Date of publication: March, 2014


Title: Haiti

Photographer/s: Keith Lane

Contributor/s: Jenna Crowder

Date of publication: February 19, 2011

Hakka Candy

Title: Hakka Candy

Photographer/s: Miki IWAOKA

Date of publication: Jul-2012

Halcott Center: a Catskill Mountain Valley

Title: Halcott Center: a Catskill Mountain Valley

Photographer/s: Mark Citret

Contributor/s: Ansel Adams

Date of publication: 2004

Half Year

Half Year

Title: Half Year

Photographer/s: Tennessy Elledge, Trevor Powers, Laurence Philomene, Nathan Pearce, Megan Magill, Andrew Janjigian, Dawa Yolmo, Dana Stirling, Jordanna Kalman, Samantha Sealy, Erika Huffman, Aleksei Kazantsev, Caitlin Duennebier, Maury Gortemiller, Sid Black, Brian Henry, Bridget Collins, Anne-Christine Normand, Collin Avery, Hope Yoders, Dent de Lion, Michael Bach, Leanne Surfleet, Rebecca Cairns, Kyra Kennedy

Date of publication: 2015

Half Year vol. 2

Half Year July December

Title: Half Year vol. 2

Photographer/s: Deedra Baker, Rachel Jump, Jen Ervin, William Douglas, Will Harris, Coralie Fournier-Moris, Andrew Janjigian, Andrew Frost, Aleksei Kazantsev, Gabriella Sturchio, Jesse Taylor Koechling, Charlotte Thoemmes, Trevor Powers, Celeste Ortiz, Brian Henry, Selina Roman, dent de lion, Misty Woodford, Grant Gill, Scott Norris, Julia Dunham, Viviana Levrino, Samantha Ylva Beasley, Deb Schwedhelm, Charalampos Kydonakis, Drew Nikonowicz, Jillian Freyer, Jordanna Kalman, Rebecca Drolen, Ekaterina Musatkina

Date of publication: 2015