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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Homebody © Jaime Boddorff

Title: Homebody

HomeLands: Utica

Robb Hill

Title: HomeLands: Utica

Photographer/s: Robb Hill

Date of publication: March 2015



Title: Homesteads

Photographer/s: Sheila McLaughlin

Date of publication: 2010

Homo Empathicus

Homo Empathicus

Title: Homo Empathicus

Photographer/s: BredaPhoto (57 photographers)

Contributor/s: Guido van Eyck (text), Inge Henneman (essay)

Date of publication: 2012


HOMOurban © Imrich Veber / PositiF

Title: HOMOurban

Photographer/s: imrich veber

Contributor/s: writer Ondřej Hložek

Date of publication: December, 2012

Hose Variations

Title: Hose Variations

Photographer/s: Bjarne Bare

Date of publication: May 2011

Hot Wired Happiness

Hot Wired Happiness

Title: Hot Wired Happiness

Photographer/s: Curtis Hamilton

Date of publication: 2014

hotam #1

hotam #1 © Ho Tam

Title: hotam #1

Photographer/s: Ho Tam

Date of publication: September 2013

Hour of Lead

Title: Hour of Lead

Photographer/s: Ariel Kessler

Date of publication: Summer of 2010

House of Sound

House of Sound © Chris Bennett

Title: House of Sound

Photographer/s: Chris Bennett

Contributor/s: Story by Lavinia Greenlaw

Date of publication: Oct. 2013