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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Title: Housebroken

Photographer/s: Areca Roe

Contributor/s: Tamatha Perlman

Date of publication: 2015

How does it feel to be leaving the most beautiful city in the world ?

How does it feel to be leaving the most beautiful city in the world ? © Marco Lachi / Documentary Platform

Title: How does it feel to be leaving the most beautiful city in the world ?

Photographer/s: Marco Lachi

Contributor/s: Olufemi Terry

Date of publication: 2013 September

How Loneliness Goes

How Loneliness Goes © Nguan

Title: How Loneliness Goes

Photographer/s: Nguan

Date of publication: April 2013

How Terry likes his coffee

Title: How Terry likes his coffee

Photographer/s: Florian van Roekel

Date of publication: 17th of June 2010

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People © Erik Schubert / Lavalette

Title: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Photographer/s: Erik Schubert

Date of publication: 2013


humuhumunukunukuāpua’a © Allison Clarke

Title: humuhumunukunukuāpua’a

Photographer/s: Allison Clarke

Date of publication: 2013




Photographer/s: WAWI NAVARROZA

Date of publication: September 2014

Hunt Them Out

Title: Hunt Them Out: Passport to Trespass Vol. VII

Photographer/s: Mikael Kennedy

Date of publication: February 22, 2011

Hurricane Story

Title: Hurricane Story

Photographer/s: Jennifer Shaw

Contributor/s: Foreword by Rob Walker

Date of publication: 2011

Hyper Observation

hyper observation

Title: Hyper Observation

Photographer/s: Sarah Pannell, Nicholas Hawker

Date of publication: August 2014