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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

I’m Alright To Drive

Jordan Swartz

Title: I’m Alright To Drive

I’M HERE: a two-part tribute to my mother

I'm Here © Matt Austin

Title: I’M HERE: a two-part tribute to my mother

Photographer/s: Matt Austin

Contributor/s: Matt Austin

Date of publication: December 26, 2013


Title: ICE

Photographer/s: Jeff DiPerna

Date of publication: 2012

Iconic Drawings

Iconic Drawings

Title: Iconic Drawings

Photographer/s: Irina Popova

Date of publication: 31.08.2015


Idilios © Marta Soul

Title: Idilios

Photographer/s: Marta Soul

Contributors: Text by Carlos Yela‐García

Date of publication: March 2013

If not act, nothing will be changed.

Blair Kitchener

Title: If not act, nothing will be changed.

Photographer/s: Blair Kitchener

Date of publication: Feb 2015

If you are lucky, you get old

Title: If you are lucky, you get old

Photographer/s: Freya Najade

Date of publication: December 2009

If You Lived Here You’d Be Home Now

If You Lived Here You'd Be Home Now © Maria Theresa Moerman Ib

Title: If You Lived Here You’d Be Home Now

Photographer/s: Maria Theresa Moerman Ib

Date of publication: January, 2011

Illuminations, Coloured Plates


Title: Illuminations, Coloured Plates

Photographer/s: Rob Nypels

Contributor/s: Joost Zwagerman

Date of publication: november 2014

Image System

Title: Image System

Photographer/s: Geoffroy de Boismenu

Contributor/s: Louis-Ferdinand Céline (text)

Date of publication: July 2011