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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

In Edmands Park

Title: In Edmands Park

Photographer/s: Cynthia Staples

Date of publication: May 18, 2011

In het Voorbijgaan/ Passing By

Title: In het Voorbijgaan/ Passing By

Photographer/s: Flip Franssen

Date of publication: 15-11-2012

In Nature’s Garden

In Natures Garden

Title: In Nature’s Garden

In Rosso (In red)

Title: In Rosso (In red)

Photographer/s: Umberto Mancini

Contributor/s: Preface by Simona Guerra

Tales by Collettivo Corpo 10

Date of publication: september 2012

In Search for the Crying Lady

© IPG Project

Title: In Search for the Crying Lady

Photographer/s: IPG Project

Yoshi Kametani
Tamara Kametani

Date of publication: December 2012

In Search of Hope: Climate Displacement in Bangladesh

Title: In Search of Hope: Climate Displacement in Bangladesh

Photographer/s: Stuart Matthews

Contributor/s: Designer: Ian Finney

Date of publication: 01 JUNE 2012

In Some Woods

In Some Woods © Devon Johnson

Title: In Some Woods

Photographer/s: Devon Johnson

Date of publication: May 2014

In the blue light we failed.

In the blue light we failed. © Bindi Vora

Title: In the blue light we failed.

Photographer/s: Bindi Vora

Date of publication: December 2014

In the fields of gold

Title: In the fields of gold

Photographer/s: Miquel Llonch

Date of publication: march 2012

In The Gutter

Title: In The Gutter

Photographer/s: David Lykes Keenan

Date of publication: October 2012