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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

In The Kitchen

Title: In The Kitchen

Photographer/s: Janet Delaney

Date of publication: 2007

In The Navel of the Moon

Title: In The Navel of the Moon

Photographer/s: Tom Feher

Date of publication: April 2011

In this Dark Wood

Title: In this Dark Wood

Photographer/s: Elisabeth Tonnard

Contributor/s: The images are from the Joseph Selle collection.

Date of publication: 2008


 in-between © Monika Sosnowski

Title: in-between

Photographer/s: Monika Sosnowski

Date of publication: October 2014

Incandescent Issue 5

Incandescent 5

Title: Incandescent Issue 5

Photographer/s: Arianna Sanesi / Audra Locicero / Brett Skarbakka / Carl Gunhouse / Chan Tak Kei / Christine Armbruster / David Egan / Derek Henderson / Ethan Aaro Jones / Ioana Cirlig / Jason Vaughn / Jillian Freyer / Matt Hurst / Michael Cardiello / Mike Finkelstein / Nataly Levich / Nicholas Swan / Pascal Amoyel / Sinziana Velicescu / Varvara Lozenko

Contributor/s: Paul Cavanagh (introduction)

Date of publication: January 2014

Incandescent Issue 6

Incandescent Issue Six

Title: Incandescent Issue 6

Photographer/s: Juan Aballe, Genesis Báez, Benson Batty, Widline Cadet, Bertrand Cavalier, Elissa Crowe, Jon Ervin, Jillian Freyer, Jean-François Hamelin, Erin Hoffstetter, Laura Valenti Jelen, Karolina Jonderko, Soohyun Kim, Mark Lanning, Marci Hunt LeBrun, Amiko Li, Erika Maish, Nicole Mark, Anton Maurer, Dana Mueller, Cody O’Loughlin, Brant Slomovic, Katarina Zlatec

Contributor/s: Rachael Cardiello (introduction)

Date of publication: July 2014

Incandescent Issue 7

Incandescent 7

Title: Incandescent Issue 7

Photographer/s: Daniel Ali / Dennis Baburov / Julia Borissova / Jaka Bulc / Elisa Chaudet / Karl Child / Yannis Christ / Kate Dollarhyde / John Hesselbarth / Jordi Huisman / Spencer Jenkins / Nathaniel Jones / Annie Ling / Jane Lu / Owen McCann / Ivette Spradlin / Alnis Stakle / Maxime Taillez / Adam Thorman / Johanna Warwick / Clara Wildberger

Contributor/s: Cutter Williams (Foreword)

Date of publication: January 2015

Incandescent Issue Eight

Incandescent 8

Title: Incandescent Issue Eight

Photographer/s: Sophie Barbasch / Stephen Burke / Aaron Canipe / Clement Chan / Max Cozzi / Elissa Crowe / Michael Dietrich / Constanze Flamme / Dani Gherca / John Hesselbarth / Jon Horvath / Kate Kornberg / Morganna Magee / Sergey Novikov / Yuki Shingai / John Steck Jr. / Elize Strydom / Zhe Zhu / Alice Zoo

Contributor/s: Erin Barnard (Foreword)

Date of publication: August 2015

Incandescent Issue Four

Incandescent Issue Four

Title: Incandescent Issue Four

Photographer/s: Ciara Alberts / Pascal Amoyel / Christine Armbruster / Genesis Baez / Elise Boularan / Jill Chien / DallasJames / Tuane Eggers / Ray Ewing / Emily Flores / Matt Gainer / Jeremy Gould / Ileana Hernandez Hernandez / Ashley M. Jones / Gabriela Kaszycka / Richard PJ Lambert / Johnathan Lewis / Melissa Lunar / Levi Mandel / Anton Maurer / Michele Palazzi / Sebastian Reiser / Leigh Ryan / Sacha Vega / Shelly Westerhausen

Contributor/s: Abby Banks (introduction)

Date of publication: August 2013

Incandescent Issue Three

Title: Incandescent Issue Three

Photographer/s: Raul Altosaar / Jeroen Arians / Courtney Coles / David Denny / Abram Deyo / Daniel Dorsa / Dragan Drobac / Amanda Flagg / Adam Forrester / James Gentile / Matt Hurst / Helen Jones / Juan Madrid / Anthony Milkus / Billy Newman / Laura Noel / Akasha Rebut / Joe Rudko / Ottilie Short / Amanda Leigh Smith / Hayden Thomas

Contributor/s: Graham Bell (introduction)

Date of publication: 2/1/2013