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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Incipient Strangers


Title: Incipient Strangers

Photographer/s: Yoshikatsu Fujii

Contributor/s: Reminders Photography Stronghold

Date of publication: March, 2015

Incredible Restrooms

Title: Incredible Restrooms

Photographer/s: Emily Anderson

Date of publication: April 2011

Incredibly small photobooks

Incredibly small photobooks © Erik Kessels, Paul Kooiker / APE

Title: Incredibly small photobooks

Photographer/s: Erik Kessels, Paul Kooiker

Date of publication: september 2013


Title: India

Photographer/s: Filipe Bianchi

Date of publication: December 2010

Indian Summer / Babie Lato

Indian Summer © Marcin Grabowiecki

Title: Indian Summer / Babie Lato

Photographer/s: Marcin Grabowiecki

Date of publication: 2013

Industria, Virtus, et Fortitudo

Title: Industria, Virtus, et Fortitudo

Photographer/s: Adam Murray
Robert Parkinson
Jamie Hawkesworth

Date of publication: March 2011

Inflight – On The Plane #1

Title: Inflight – On The Plane #1

Photographer/s: Eli Craven, Amy DiLorenzo, Alexis Gerard, Witney Gibson, Tom McGary, Joe Nigel Coleman, Keith McInnes, Mischelle M, Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Christian Pitschl, Rivo Sarapik

Date of publication: July 2012

influenza #1

Title: influenza #1

Photographer/s: elisa freitas
andrei dignart
paul stang (from Commons/Flickr)

Date of publication: august, 2012

Initial Intake

Initial Intake

Title: Initial Intake

Photographer/s: Saul Robbins

Contributor/s: Jack L. Nasar, Ann Sloan Devlin, Paula Tognarelli

Date of publication: January 2013


Title: Inorgánica

Photographer/s: Oliver Ogden

Date of publication: December 2011