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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Jeannette © Giusy Rizzi

Title: Jeannette

Photographer/s: Giusy Rizzi

Date of publication: 2013


Title: jejune

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: May 2011

Jetlag and Alcohol

Title: Jetlag and Alcohol

Photographer/s: Morten Andersen

Contributor/s: poem by Terje Thorsen

Date of publication: 10.06.2009

Jim’s Terrible City, J.G. Ballard and Shanghai

Jim's Terrible City, J.G. Ballard and Shanghai © James H. Bollen

Title:  Terrible City, J.G. Ballard and Shanghai

Photographer/s: James H. Bollen

Contributor/s: J.G. Ballard, Fay Ballard, James H. Bollen

Date of publication: 2014

Joanna Dark: The first Lady of Home Fashion

Joanna Dark

Title: Joanna Dark: The first Lady of Home Fashion

Photographer/s: Roc Herms

Date of publication: February 2013

Jon Edwards

Title: Jon Edwards

Photographer/s: Jon Edwards

Contributor/s: Forward by Bruce Brown, Curator Emeritus, Center for Maine Contemporary Art

Date of publication: 2007

Journal “2000 – 2012”

Title: Journal “2000 – 2012”

Photographer/s: Julien Magre

Date of publication: October 2012

Journey with Views (Viaggio con Vista)

Journey with Views © Brett Kallusky

Title: Journey with Views (Viaggio con Vista)

Photographer/s: Brett Kallusky

Contributor/s: Christopher Tradowsky

Date of publication: January 2014

July 12-24, 2015

July 12 to 24

Title: July 12-24, 2015

Photographer/s: Trevor Powers

Date of publication: October 2015

July 2012: Camo

Title: July 2012: Camo

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: July 2012