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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Photographer/s: Vilma Samulionyte / Gytis Skudzinskas

Date of publication: 2012

Küchen entlang der TeLa / Kitchens along TeLa

Küchen entlang der TeLa / Kitchens along TeLa © Verena Hägler

Title: Küchen entlang der TeLa / Kitchens along TeLa

Photographer/s: Verena Hägler

Contributor/s: Sarah Dorkenwald (Book design) / Andrea Cermak (Editorial) / Verena Hägler (Interviews)

Date of publication: 7th March 2014

Kuo Diary

Title: Kuo Diary

Photographer/s: Hannah Kuo

Date of publication: April 2012


Kyoiku © Koji Kitagawa

Title: Kyoiku

Photographer/s: Koji Kitagawa

Date of publication: April 2013

L’eternel est Grand

Title: L’eternel est Grand

Photographer/s: Sean Stewart

Date of publication: 2011



Photographer/s: François Deladerrière

Date of publication: 10 november 2011

L.A. Women

L.A. Women © Joachim Schmid

Title: L.A. Women

Photographer/s: Joachim Schmid

Date of publication: May 2011

L.A., 1971

LA 1971

Title: L.A., 1971

Photographer/s: Anthony Hernandez

Date of publication: 2014

La Gamarra

La Gamarra © Carol Hayman

Title: La Gamarra

Photographer/s: Carol Hayman

Date of publication: 2010

La Gasolineria

La Gasolineria

Title: La Gasolineria

Photographer/s: Chris Fowler

Date of publication: June 2014