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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

Lands Speak Record

Title: Lands Speak Record

Photographer/s: Pere Saguer

Date of publication: April 2012

Landscapes for the People (2008-2010)

Landscapes for the People © Mark Lyon

Title: Landscapes for the People (2008-2010)

Photographer/s: Mark Lyon

Date of publication: August 2010

Last 6 Boys

Last Six Boys

Title: Last 6 Boys

Photographer/s: Stephen Grebinski

Date of publication: September 2015

Last Call

Title: Last Call

Photographer/s: Judith Stenneken

Date of publication: August 2010




Photographer/s: Debby Huysmans

Date of publication: September 2014

Law and Order Gets Me Through the Night

Title: Law and Order Gets Me Through the Night

Photographer/s: Laura Noel

Date of publication: September, 2011

Lay Flat 01: Remain in Light

Title: Lay Flat 01: Remain in Light

Photographer/s: Andreas Weinand, Anne Lass, Coley Brown, Debora Mittelstaedt, Ed Panar, Estelle Hanania, Gustav Almestål, Hiroyo Kaneko, Kamden Vencill, Mark McKnight, Michel Campeau, Nicolai Howalt & Trine Søndergaard, Nicola Kast, Nicholas Haggard, Shawn Records, Raimond Wouda, Richard Barnes, Thobias Fäldt, Whitney Hubbs and Yann Orhan

Contributor/s: Tim Davis, Darius Himes, Cara Phillips Eric William Carroll, Mike Mandel, Shane Lavalette, Jason Fulford

Date of publication: 2009

Lay Flat 02: Meta

Title: Lay Flat 02: Meta

Photographer/s: Claudia Angelmaier, Semâ Bekirovic, Charles Benton, Walead Beshty, Lucas Blalock, Talia Chetrit, Anne Collier, Natalie Czech, Jessica Eaton, Roe Ethridge, Sam Falls, Stephen Gill, Daniel Gordon, David Haxton, Matt Keegan, Elad Lassry, Katja Mater, Laurel Nakadate, Lisa Oppenheim, Torbjørn Rødland, Noel Rodo-Vankeulen, Joachim Schmid, Penelope Umbrico, Useful Photography, Charlie White, Ann Woo, and Mark Wyse

Contributor/s: Adam Bell, Lesley A. Martin, Alex Klein, Noel Rodo-Vankeulen, Arthur Ou, Lyle Rexer, and James Welling

Date of publication: February 2010

Lazy Bones

Title: Lazy Bones

Photographer/s: Matthew Peterson

Date of publication: Nov. 2012



Photographer/s: By Alec Soth and Brad Zellar

Date of publication: May 2012