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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image



Title: legerdemain

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: September 2015

Lengths and Breaths

Title: Lengths and Breaths

Photographer/s: Cynthia Connolly

Contributor/s: Lee Ranaldo is the poet, and key player in this book

Date of publication: 2004

Les enracinés

Les ernacinés © Paula Holtz

Title: Les enracinés

Photographer/s: Paula Holtz

Date of publication: Oct 2012

Les Pierres

Les Pierres © Jurgen Maelfeyt / APE

Title: Les Pierres

Photographer/s: Jurgen Maelfeyt

Date of publication: September 2013

Less Is More

Title: Less Is More

Photographer/s: Robert Rutoed

Contributor/s: Introduction by Christine Dobretsberger

Date of publication: January 28, 2011

Less Vegas

Title: Less Vegas

Photographer/s: Mauro D’Agati

Date of publication: April 2011

Letters from Utopia

Letters from Utopia

Title: Letters from Utopia

Photographer/s: Daan Paans

Contributor/s: Jos de Mul (essay), Rosie Heinrich (translation)

Date of publication: 2013



Title: Lexicon

Photographer/s: Celeste Fichter

Contributor/s: Anonymous

Date of publication: 2014

Lido. A sud di nessun nord

Lido. A sud di nessun nord

Title: Lido. A sud di nessun nord

Photographer/s: Allegra Martin

Date of publication: 2014, May

Life Back Home

Life Back Home © Conor Martin

Title: Life Back Home

Photographer/s: Conor Martin

Date of publication: 2014