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Indie Photobook Library » Books

16 bilder – Eva Michallik

Title: 16 bilder

Photographer/s: Eva Michallik

Date of publication: Juli, 2012


Title: Variationen

Photographer/s: Franziska Opel

Date of publication: Juli, 2012


(back cover shown)

Title: Freuden-Stadt

Photographer/s: Michel Lamoller

Contributor/s: Simone Hirth

Date of publication: Juli, 2012

Atomic Overlook

Title: Atomic Overlook

Photographer/s: Clay Lipsky

Date of publication: 8/27/12

Encountered Aircraft

Title: Encountered Aircraft

Photographer/s: D. Bryon Darby

Date of publication: August, 2012

間 Aida

Title: 間 Aida

Photographer/s: Andrew Youngson

Contributor/s: Sayoko Nakahara (introduction)

Date of publication: 2012

The Ghost Country

Title: The Ghost Country

Photographer/s: Jordan Sullivan & Pamela Love

Date of publication: 2011


Title: Roadsongs

Photographer/s: Jordan Sullivan

Date of publication: 2012

New Colour Guide

Title: New Colour Guide

Photographer/s: John MacLean

Contributor/s: Design by Wayne Daly

Date of publication: 1.10.12

Like It This Way

Title: Like It This Way

Photographer/s: Ryan Leitner

Date of publication: June, 2012