Inflight – On The Plane #1

Title: Inflight – On The Plane #1

Photographer/s: Eli Craven, Amy DiLorenzo, Alexis Gerard, Witney Gibson, Tom McGary, Joe Nigel Coleman, Keith McInnes, Mischelle M, Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Christian Pitschl, Rivo Sarapik

Date of publication: July 2012

At The Airport

Title: At The Airport

Photographer/s: Andrew Hodgson, Benoit Augy, Benoit Chailleux, Llorenc Rosanes, Hideaki Hamada, Hiroyasu Satoh, James Patterson, Joao Ornelas, Larry Platt, Michael Dietrich, Michael D. Hawley, Michael Sean Edwards, Peter Baker, Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Richard Newman, Robert Hildebrand, Zel Nunes

Date of publication: July 2012

Through the Plain Camera: Small and Shapely Pleasures in Contemporary Photography

Title: Through the Plain Camera: Small and Shapely Pleasures in Contemporary Photography

Photographer/s: Jessica Backhaus, Elizabeth Fleming, Vita Litvak, Christian Patterson, and Shen Wei

Date of publication: 2011

Photography for Thinking

Title: Photography for Thinking

Photographer/s: James Worrell

Date of publication: 3/22/12

Speaking of Names,

Title: Speaking of Names,

Photographer/s: Christopher Gianunzio
Jenny Tondera

Date of publication: May 5th 2012

Urban Zoo

Title: Urban Zoo

Photographer/s: Phil Brown

Date of publication: August 2012



Photographer/s: Michela Heim

Date of publication: May 2012

100 New York Mysteries

Title: 100 New York Mysteries

Photographer/s: Aaron Krach

Date of publication: 2006

Football in Colour – A visual guide to Euro 2012

Title: Football in Colour – A visual guide to Euro 2012

Photographer/s: Judith Erwes

Contributor/s: Mark Evans, Layout

Date of publication: June 2012

There is no sun without shadow

Title: There is no sun without shadow

Photographer/s: Alex Catt

Date of publication: 7 June 2012